Monday, June 13, 2016

Lunch at the Piazza Grande - Friday, June 12

Going to lunch and then to grocery store

This car must have come from somewhere else
since the rain here would have washed away the dust.

My view from where I was dining
in the Piazza Grande

 bruschetta with olive oil
and ribollita (Tuscan soup made
with bread and vegetables)

Seated next to me at lunch were 2 couples from Georgia, USA
Newlyweds of 2 weeks, who been honeymooning on the Amalfi Coast
and had now met his parents in Tuscany.  The parents had been
in Cinque Terre giving the newlyweds 2 weeks of wedded
bliss without parents, I presume.
The young woman remarked that after 2 months here
I must know all the good places to shop.
I told her I had not been shopping.
Both daughter-in-law and mother-in-law
seemed to find that a shocking statement!

 Bell tower on the Duomo

Lunch over, now waiting for orange bus
to go to grocery store

View from the bus stop across street
from Conad grocery store

Today was housekeeping day
More beautiful sheets...

Life is Good

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