Friday, April 22, 2016

A Day to Take my Ease or Yet Another Day to Take My Ease

13 days since leaving home I decided to take a day off; at least not leaving the apartment
or gardens.

However, there is always activity outside my windows
so I captured that from time to time throughout the day.

The 'elder' bench

Keeping an eye on the clouds today

I'm loving having a view of a Big Sky

There are four of these doggie paintings in the master bedroom
One in the center of each wall near the ceiling
They appear to be from a canvas that couldn't be saved
but individual pieces were salvageable.
Or they were practice pieces, since they are pretty much alike.

Like this

Deconstructing the art

This palazzo when first constructed in the mid-1800's
Others have been built on the 'flat' side that now
extend to near the monastery, later to become
The Church of Santa Maria dei Servi
The staircase is no longer on the building.
The 'short' building on the right probably was where animals were kept.
That is no longer there; it's a parking space.  More useful these days.
Some of the palazzo's still have the curtain hanging over the front door.

Second bedroom has a nautical/water theme, in art only.

Back to the window

I'm using the second bedroom and this is the ceiling

Back in the Garden

LOVE the purple patch

Garden Shed

This little lizard seems somewhat erotic

I do use the garden just don't take very good selfies.


Last weekend's wind flattened these

But not these

Copper pots made by the local coppersmith, the last
in a long line of coppersmith's. Visited his work shop (sales shop is
on the Corso) Mainly he just said he didn't understand what we were saying.
Mainly we didn't understand him either, but
it was interesting watching him pound out a pot.

A black cat crossed my path
As I recall that means another 7 years 
of good luck!

This looks like an excellent place to
hang a fly strip.

From out the front window, looking down the hill

 The Gathering Clouds
4:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.
Lightening, Thunder and Then Downpour

Sweet Dreams

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